Bengal Arms Tavern

Status: Closed and demolished
Address: 2-4 White Lion Court, EC3V (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
London borough: City of London
Former address: [now Bengal Court]
2 White Lion Court (1856)
3 White Lion Court (1839)
Historical parish: St Michael Cornhill
Dates open: by 1839-at least 1874
Notes: This is listed as a "dining rooms" by the 1882 directory, and later as the "Cornhill Restaurant", although it is marked as a public house on the 1896 and 1916 Ordnance Survey maps.
Sources: Close date: Pub Wiki
OS 1896/1916
PO 1839 (as "Bengal Arms")/1841/1856/1869 (all as "Bengal Arms Tavern")
References: PROB 11/1940/145
PROB 11/2137/310
If you have any corrections or additions to make to this entry, please email quoting the pub name.