
Status: Closed and demolished
Address: 4 Nags Head Court, EC3V (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
Note: The location on these maps is approximate.
London borough: City of London
Former address: [now Lombard Court]
Historical parish: St Clement Eastcheap
Dates open: by 1802-at least 1861
Notes: The 1896 and 1920 Ordnance Survey maps later mark a public house on this site (by now rebuilt and the street renamed as 2 Lombard Court, also listed as 2-3 Lombard Court). However, the Post Office directories from the same period list only a "Lombard Restaurant" at this address, which appears to have closed in the 1960s.
Sources: Open date: Archives
Close date: Pub Wiki
Census 1851 [E Faulkner]
OS 1896/1920
PO 1841/1856 (all as "Star")
References: COL/SVD/PL/02/0001 (as "Lombard Restaurant")
MS 11936/423/730727
MS 11936/475/931563
MS 11936/479/956124
MS 11936/484/970846
MS 11936/495/1008342
PROB 11/1815/190
If you have any corrections or additions to make to this entry, please email quoting the pub name.