New Pegasus

Status: Closed
Address: 109 Green Lanes, N16 9BX (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
London borough: Hackney
Former name(s): Chas 'n' Dave's
Former address: 73 Green Lanes (pre-1944)
Millfield Place (1881)
Historical parish: Stoke Newington
Dates open: by 1851-c2004
Owner: Courage (former)
Notes: Now a social club.
Photo taken in December 2012
Sources: Open date: Pub Wiki
Close date: CAMRA
Owner: CAMRA North London Beer Guide
Census 1881 [T Morris] (as "Pegasus")/1911 [H Hudson]
OS 1872/1959 (as "Pegasus")/1970 (as "Pegasus")
PO 1866 (as "Pegasus")
If you have any corrections or additions to make to this entry, please email quoting the pub name.